Event season!
Hello fellow Mousehunters! I apologize for not keeping up with this blog, I am in the process of looking for a different free hosting solution right now, not to mention the rigors of a busy life!
Ronza is currently visiting, and I'll be making a post shortly about the current state of the game, where Mousehunt is, how this veteran player views it, and where I think Mousehunt should go from here.
But for the time being, I am finally putting the finishing touches on the Living Garden FAQ. I know there are tons of guides out there, but I know that there are loyal readers here (I see page views and impressions, so I know you're out there, even returning visitors!) who appreciate the style in which I present the information. There are lots of good people who know a lot about this game for sure.
Today I will have the base and trap pages updated with new information! Happy hunting!