Your map piece to the Moz is actually your map piece to the Catacombs, but remember, it's "tattered." You need to get it repaired at the Bazaar's cartographer, and it won't be cheap: 160,000 gold to be exact, AND it takes 5 days to complete.
Patience young Padawan. There is a method to my madness. Pay your fee to the map man, and then equip your brie cheese and head over and hunt in the lab for 5 days, collecting more radioactive blue potions. At the end of the five days, head back to the Bazaar, pick up your map, buy some more ionized salt (102 would be a nice number for now) and make sure you have enough brie cheese to turn your potions into cheese (or Super Brie if you're one of THOSE players). If not, get some more, and head to the Catacombs.
The Catacombs are a great place to make money, and while Larry seems scared of this place, you should know that with the proper hunting tools, this place is anything but scary; in fact, it is one of the best places to make gold in all of MouseHunt. But we have to get our setups figured. Let's look at our cheese options.
- Radioactive Blue Cheese
- Ancient Cheese
You know how to get Radioactive Blue - use your potions. Ancient cheese, though, is crafted with stale cheese and ionized salt.
- Ancient Cheese (3 pieces): 3 stale cheese, 6 ionized salt
- Ancient Cheese (6 pieces): 3 stale cheese, 6 ionized salt, 3 magic essence

For your first run here, I'd advise on using Radioactive Blue over Ancient.
Go to the Trapsmith. There is one trap here…the Obelisk of Slumber. Buy it and equip it. Use either explosive base or dehydration base. It doesn’t matter. Equip your radioactive cheese and start hunting.
The OOS is necessary to begin your journey in the Catacombs. It is not the best trap mind you, but it is effective enough to get you decent results. While hunting, you may get a piece of coal, look up the reason for it, and notice that you can create a stronger obelisk weapon, the Obelisk of Incineration! To do this, you’ll need the blueprints from the general store, which set you back another 45k. Don’t buy this. Just bide your time with the OOS and wait. Your goal in the catacombs is to make a lot of money. The best way to do this is to get the ACRONYM weapon online as fast as possible. How do we do this?

It will take you a bit to gain the gold necessary to buy the ACRONYM blueprints. If you're having trouble with the mice here with the OOS, you can always go back to the Great Gnarled Tree and make gold there, albeit a little more slowly, but still a decent place to make bank.
The reward for hunting in Cats, as stated, is high. The mice are relatively tough, but they offer tons of gold. You’re going to want to catch a Keeper Mouse. He holds the Keeper’s Candle, which is necessary to gain access to the Forbidden Groove. Once you have the Candle AND have crafted the ACROYNM, it's time to move on.

Not entirely dissimilar to the Catacombs, there are even stronger mice here, and to be successful, now you will finally need to use your ancient cheese.
Now we need to use our ancient cheese. I mentioned it above, and if you didn't create it yet, you need to create it now. You'll want around 100 pieces for now. Strap on your ACRONYM, your Dehydration Base, and get to it!
Your goal here is to catch mice that drop runes, which have several uses, most notably in making Runic Cheese. The Gargoyle, Gate Guardian, Golem, Sorcerer, and Scavenger all drop runes, and some drop as many as 7 runes. These mice only drop them here in the Groove. Here are the two recipes available for you to use.
- Runic Cheese (1 piece): 1 stale cheese, 3 ionized salt, 1 rune
- Runic Cheese (2 pieces): 1 stale cheese, 3 ionized salt, 1 rune, 1 magic essence
You may have noticed that the HUD shows a timer for this area; after 16 hours, the Forbidden Grove will close, and the next hunt you make there, you'll catch a Realm Ripper Mouse who will transport you to the next location, the Acolyte Realm.
Acolyte Realm
Your first trip here is basically meaningless. You cannot catch the Acolyte Mouse yet. If you noticed, he's an arcane mouse, and you need a Forgotten trap to catch arcane mice (yes, yes, I know...arcane traps catch forgotten mice and forgotten traps catch arcane mice....those silly developers).
So don't worry about it at this point. Either go back to the Catacombs and make some gold or do something else, but please note that you will need around 1.5 million gold to successfully move to Rodentia and the Tribal Isles (assuming you already have the Ship Blueprints!).
Catching the Acolyte
Welcome back peeps! Ready to catch this guy?

In the AR, you want to equip your strongest base and the Ancient Box Trap, along with the runic cheese. You may not attract an Acolyte Mouse. Well, just keep trying. Sometimes it takes a long time. If you run out of cheese, you have to get more by either crafting it or imbuing it from potions (and you know where to get those). It is NOT easy, so don’t expect it to be. Some people have spent over 1,000 pieces of runic before catching an Acolyte. Yes, those people hate the developers.
When you catch him, the Acolyte drops the Mysterious Box. There are two things in every box: 1) Frozen Scroll (used to craft the Ice Maiden), and 2) Random reward. The reward could be 60 pieces of rumble cheese. It could be 30 runes. It could be 5 fire salt. It just varies.
This is not an easy task my friend. Good luck.