Tactical traps don’t really come into play until you’re at the Master level or above. It is possible to obtain some limited edition tactical traps before that in some cases, but those situations notwithstanding, you won’t be facing situations where you need one until you really get to Furoma.
What is most interesting about tactical traps is that many serve a specific function which, despite some rather mundane stats, they still serve a purpose, even late in the game. For the purpose of this comparison, I will evaluate the traps as you would approach them in-game and offer my opinion on their use.
Early – Middle In-Game Tactical Traps
1,900 Power, 0% power bonus, 5% attraction bonus, 5 luck, Extremely Fresh cheese effect
Once you have access to the Great Gnarled Tree, you can buy this trap. If you’re using the Forcefield or Deathbot up until this point, you may think “Gee, the power of this is less, so I’ll just keep with my physical traps.” The problem with that is, many mice in the Great Gnarled Tree are weak to tactical traps, making the effective power of this trap 3,800 instead of 1,900 against tactical-weak mice. That’s a HUGE difference. Plus, this trap is necessary to craft its even stronger cousins. You can start using this trap at 490,500 points. It is rather steep in cost for a Master level hunter (299,650) though. If you, by chance, have the next trap on the list BEFORE buying this, you can skip this trap until you need it for crafting purposes.
2,200 Power, 10% power bonus, 10% attraction bonus, 8 luck, Über Fresh cheese effect
This trap (the components to craft it, that is) is released every Christmas season (except 2011, though the trap could be purchased as a standalone), thus the reason why I am not classifying it as an LE trap. Requiring a mere 91,000 points, you’ll roughly have to spend (through gifting, it’s a somewhat complicated discussion for this document, but bear with me) 94,500 to craft this trap. I would actually advise using this over the Forcefield or Deathbot early in the game (pre-Master) due to its very solid attributes. That being said, there is no upgrade for it, and eventually, you’ll need a better tactical trap, but if this is your only tactical trap in your possession, you can effectively skip the others until you’re able to craft the Ambush.
2,200 Power, 15% power bonus, 0% attraction bonus, 7 luck, Fresh cheese effect
Available at 705,000 points, you’re not using this until you’re a Grandmaster. Honestly, this trap is nothing more than a novelty, but it DOES come in handy because you need to buy it so you can smash it and create its stronger version, Zugzwang’s First Move. That trap isn’t available until much later in the game, so you can effectively skip this trap until you need to craft that one.
2,300 Power, 15% power bonus, 0% attraction bonus, 8 luck, Insanely Stale cheese effect
Requiring 827,500 points, the MVMT seems to fall into the same category as ZLM: another 100k more points or so and you can get yet ANOTHER good trap (the Ambush). However, the MVMT is superior in every way to ZLM, and it continually upgradable once you reach the isles. Here is how I break down these three traps.
- If you have the Gingerbread House Surprise BEFORE having access to the VMT, use it until you can craft the Ambush (in an effort to save gold). Please do note that you WILL need the VMT at some point however.
- If you have the VMT and THEN have access to build the GBH, do so only for the novelty, as the MVMT (crafted from the VMT) is slightly better and continues to upgrade.
- Under no circumstance should you use ZLM over the MVMT or GBH.
I really should have grouped these last three together. ZLM < GBH < MVMT – That’s how I look at it.
3,000 Power, 5% power bonus, 0% attraction bonus, 12 luck, Fresh cheese effect
Originally not available until you were at the Legendary rank, it is now available to craft as a Grand Master, with a point requirement of 950,000. The parts to craft cost a measly 62,600. It is the best trap for pre-isle hunters to use in Furoma. I would warn against going after the Dojo Sensei with it, however, but it will be more than enough to snag a few Masters of the Dojo. It is also the best tactical trap to use during your first run through the Nerg Plains once you reach the isles. I have heard stories of people not crafting this trap and thus saving the gold, but please take note that one of these traps mentioned so far WILL BE your initial trap to use in Nerg Plains. The previous traps before the Ambush will really struggle in that area until you can craft the better Venus traps.
3,400 Power, 5% power bonus, 2% attraction bonus, 14 luck, Very Fresh cheese effect
A great trap, it is immediately outclassed though by the next one on the list. With the availability of Radioactive Sludge as a gift, you should never have to use this trap and instead, smash it immediately to create…
3,400 Power, 12% power bonus, 1% attraction bonus, 16 luck, No Effect cheese effect
Once you reach the 8 million point barrier, this is your trap of choice for hunting in Nerg (refer to my FAQ if you have questions about leveling up and requirements). This is the trap to have for battling the Nerg mice, all the way up to the Big 3. You definitely want to make this trap, as its only “cost” is a smashed Thorned Venus Mouse Trap and 20 radioactive sludges. As you can see from the stats, it outclasses its predecessor in every conceivable fashion.
Late In-Game Tactical Traps
3,660 power, 15% power bonus, 0% attraction bonus, 17 luck, Very Fresh cheese effect
While not head and shoulders better than the HVMT, it IS better nonetheless, with more power and luck. The point requirement is 38,000,000 (basically, you have to be a Lord). It costs just over a million in gold to craft it (again, refer to FAQ), but it is more than worth it. Limited Edition traps notwithstanding, you can’t find a better tactical trap until you’re a Baron or Count. A great, overall trap.
Technic and Mystic Pawn Pinchers
These traps are necessary (at first) to catch pawn mice of a particular order in Zugzwang’s Tower. That is all they’re used for, and that’s all I’m going to say about them. Read the FAQ for more information. They are necessary however.
3,000 power, 15% power bonus, 0% attraction bonus, 12 luck, Very Fresh/Stale cheese effect
In the same way as you treat the pawn pinchers, these two traps play off one another with nearly identical stats, and both serve as the main trap for their respective sides (technical and mystic). Again, if you want specific points about using these traps, read my FAQ section on Zugzwang’s Tower.
It possible you’ll never even have a chance to craft them as you need loot from the kings that are not always dropped; they will make your job easier if you plan on doing tower runs over and over, but if you’re just there to get tasks accomplished, you can skip these traps and take your chances with other high-powered tactical traps.
2,930 power, 20% power bonus, 15% attraction bonus, 12 luck, Ultimately Stale cheese effect
Zurreal's Folly is constructed upon finishing the various Library research tasks. It is a crafted trap that requires 10 different pieces (all found as loot throughout the kingdom; refer back to the Crystal Library section) to put together. It is not an overly powerful trap, but it is completely necessary to catching Zurreal the Eternal. Once you catch him, you'll only ever use this trap to catch him again (if you so desire). Other than that, it's a collector's item and ultimately useless outside it's one task.
Zurreal's Folly is constructed upon finishing the various Library research tasks. It is a crafted trap that requires 10 different pieces (all found as loot throughout the kingdom; refer back to the Crystal Library section) to put together. It is not an overly powerful trap, but it is completely necessary to catching Zurreal the Eternal. Once you catch him, you'll only ever use this trap to catch him again (if you so desire). Other than that, it's a collector's item and ultimately useless outside it's one task.
5,200 power, 8% power bonus, 10% attraction bonus, 21 luck, No Effect cheese effect
Available only later in the game (70,000,000 points), this trap is an absolute beast. Only certain circumstances are limited edition traps better than this (due to their luck), but for the most part, this trap bests them all (and everything else before it for “normal” mice). The requirements say that only 1 warpath victory is required, but considering how 175 flameshards are required, it’s entirely possible (read: likely) that you’ll need at least 2 warpath victories before you can buy this trap (unless you buy the flameshards on the marketplace). It is purchased in the Muridae Market trapsmith.
6,100 power, 10% power bonus, 10% attraction bonus, 25 luck, Very Fresh cheese effect
It’s the best tactical trap in the game, bar none. It’s hard to get, as it’s another trap you need Warmonger loot, but thankfully, you only need 1 Sphynx Crystal (not 2). You’ll also need 200 flameshards, the blueprints, and 26 golden leafs (purchased in the FW’s general store). All told, you’ll spend AT LEAST 1.6 million gold for this. If you’re lucky enough to have looted the crystal, spend the gold and craft this trap. There is none better. However, unlike the Sandtail Sentinel is to the Monstrobot, the Dimensional Chest isn’t necessarily a good replacement for the Sphynx Wrath Trap IF you have LE traps (like Rewers Riposte).
Essentially, what I'm trying to say is that this trap is head and shoulders better than the Chest, more so than what you experience on the physical trap side for the Fiery Warpath traps. At any rate, if you can craft this sucker, you should. It is the best tactical trap in the history of the game.
Limited Edition Tactical Traps
Limited Edition Tactical Traps
1,450 power, 20% power bonus, 20% attraction bonus, 28 luck, Very Fresh cheese effect
Purchased from Ronza during the 2008 Christmas season, the lack of power was initially seen as a negative to the trap, but it's incredibly high luck (higher than any other tactical trap) kept this trap relevant all the way through the Tribal Isles. Young hunters who were lucky enough to purchase this trap around the rank of Apprentice received a trap that they did not have to replace until needing a shadow trap. A great trap that, while having less importance today, is still a favorite of many veteran hunters.
Purchased from Ronza during the 2008 Christmas season, the lack of power was initially seen as a negative to the trap, but it's incredibly high luck (higher than any other tactical trap) kept this trap relevant all the way through the Tribal Isles. Young hunters who were lucky enough to purchase this trap around the rank of Apprentice received a trap that they did not have to replace until needing a shadow trap. A great trap that, while having less importance today, is still a favorite of many veteran hunters.
2,850 power, 5% power bonus, 5% attraction bonus, 22 luck, No Effect cheese effect
While the MouseHunt community endlessly debated whether luck or power was better, most initially saw the Giant Speaker as an over-priced replacement for the Ambush. However, what they soon discovered was that it was not only a replacement for the Ambush, but the Horrific Venus Mouse Trap as well due to its high luck rating. It's a shame this trap didn't get more play however, because it was trumped just 2 months later...
While the MouseHunt community endlessly debated whether luck or power was better, most initially saw the Giant Speaker as an over-priced replacement for the Ambush. However, what they soon discovered was that it was not only a replacement for the Ambush, but the Horrific Venus Mouse Trap as well due to its high luck rating. It's a shame this trap didn't get more play however, because it was trumped just 2 months later...
2,600 power, 15% power bonus, 0% attraction bonus, 25 luck, Very Stale cheese effect
...by this incredible trap. While only having 250 less base power, it's power bonus is higher than the Giant Speaker, and it has three more luck. The attraction is mostly irrelevant. It was also cheaper than the Giant Speaker. Those who spent their gold on the Giant Speaker (say, instead of the Kraken) were met with incredible buyer's remorse once New Years 2010 rolled around. Though it has been surpassed, 2010 was the best tactical trap in the game for at least an entire calendar year.
...by this incredible trap. While only having 250 less base power, it's power bonus is higher than the Giant Speaker, and it has three more luck. The attraction is mostly irrelevant. It was also cheaper than the Giant Speaker. Those who spent their gold on the Giant Speaker (say, instead of the Kraken) were met with incredible buyer's remorse once New Years 2010 rolled around. Though it has been surpassed, 2010 was the best tactical trap in the game for at least an entire calendar year.
2,900 power, 15% power bonus, 5% attraction bonus, 25 luck, Fresh cheese effect
The stats say it all: the Rewer's Riposte met or exceeded everything the 2010 Blastoff had. Not much else to say. It remains the best Limited Edition tactical trap in the game, and also is still the best overall tactical trap for Lords/Ladies and below.
The stats say it all: the Rewer's Riposte met or exceeded everything the 2010 Blastoff had. Not much else to say. It remains the best Limited Edition tactical trap in the game, and also is still the best overall tactical trap for Lords/Ladies and below.
2,500 power, 15% power bonus, 20% attraction bonus, 25 luck, Extremely Stale cheese effect
Having very similar stats to it's cousin from two years prior, the 2012 is statistically the same trap as the 2010 in every form and fashion, except it boasts a 20% attraction rate. For hunters who use regular cheeses to hunt with instead of Super Brie, this trap was a very solid option when you would want to limit your FTA's.
Honestly, if you have ANY of these tactical LE traps, you're in a great position in the game. Unlike some relatively useless LE physical traps and bases, every LE tactical trap was an outstanding addition to the game.
S.A.M. F.E.D. DN-5 Trap
Released during the 2013 Year of the Snake Festival, the SAMFED trap is a pretty decent trap for newer players who are still waiting to get to Furoma. It is better than the Ambush from a statistical standpoint, but the cost of this trap (375,000) may have been prohibitive for many younger hunters when considering the very cheap cost of crafting the Ambush. The SAMFED can be used as a hunter's first trap when hunting in Nerg Plains, but the HVMT will quickly outclass this trap. Essentially, those hunters with more than 8 million points had no use for this trap other than for collection sake, meaning that the number of players who actually found some use in this trap were extremely limited in numbers.
Isle Idol Stakeshooter Trap
Having very similar stats to it's cousin from two years prior, the 2012 is statistically the same trap as the 2010 in every form and fashion, except it boasts a 20% attraction rate. For hunters who use regular cheeses to hunt with instead of Super Brie, this trap was a very solid option when you would want to limit your FTA's.
Honestly, if you have ANY of these tactical LE traps, you're in a great position in the game. Unlike some relatively useless LE physical traps and bases, every LE tactical trap was an outstanding addition to the game.

2,750 power, 5% power bonus, 20% attraction bonus, 15 luck, Fresh cheese effect
Released during the 2013 Year of the Snake Festival, the SAMFED trap is a pretty decent trap for newer players who are still waiting to get to Furoma. It is better than the Ambush from a statistical standpoint, but the cost of this trap (375,000) may have been prohibitive for many younger hunters when considering the very cheap cost of crafting the Ambush. The SAMFED can be used as a hunter's first trap when hunting in Nerg Plains, but the HVMT will quickly outclass this trap. Essentially, those hunters with more than 8 million points had no use for this trap other than for collection sake, meaning that the number of players who actually found some use in this trap were extremely limited in numbers.

3,750 power, 12% power bonus, 5% attraction bonus, 14 luck, Stale cheese effect
This is actually the same trap as the Isle Idol but with a different skin applied, which changes it into a Tactical trap. This is the first time that a skin has actually made a trap different. Like the main Idol trap doubled the stone drop rate, this trap doubles the savory veggie drop rate in Nerg Plains.
The Stakeshooter is just marginally worse than the HVMT from a statistical point of view, but considering the drop rate of veggies, it blows the HVMT out of the water. The only drawback is that you have to have 16 million points to use it. My advice would be to use this trap to farm veggies but a stronger tactical trap to tackle the Big 3 in Nerg.
The Stakeshooter is just marginally worse than the HVMT from a statistical point of view, but considering the drop rate of veggies, it blows the HVMT out of the water. The only drawback is that you have to have 16 million points to use it. My advice would be to use this trap to farm veggies but a stronger tactical trap to tackle the Big 3 in Nerg.