Crafting the SS Huntington
I’ve already talked a lot about the blueprints to the ship. By now, if you don’t have them, you know how to get them: catch a hydra mouse in the lagoon. I’m going to assume at this point, you’re ready to craft the ship and have the blueprints. You need:
- 900 Splintered Wood (Purchased in Training Grounds)
- 100 Rope (Purchased in Great Gnarled Tree)
- 70 Bolt of Cloth (Purchased in Great Gnarled Tree)
- 1 King’s Reserve Bubbleh (Purchased in Great Gnarled Tree)
- 18 Scrap Metal (Loot drops from Scavenger mice in Catacombs)
- 1 Ship Blueprints (Loot drop from Hydra mouse in Lagoon; purchased in Catacombs)
You must be at the rank of Legendary to craft the ship. Go ahead and do it, and let's get hunting!
Before you move on, we need to take inventory though of where you're at. Once you craft the ship, check your gold reserves. You now need approximately 800,000 to move on, or even 1.4 million gold if you plan on buying a hydro trap right away (which I do not advise up front). Do you have the necessary gold? Yes? good, keep reading. If not, then go farm gold (you know how to do that) and come back.
One last thing: Make sure you have 20 Radioactive Sludge in your inventory before moving to the ship.
SS Huntington

This is the great debate, and other Mouse Hunt guides will say you MUST buy a hydro weapon here. Well my friends, you probably are down on your gold, and if you’re like me at this point, you are so sick of every location on the mainland, you just HAVE to hunt on the boat.
My advice? Don’t worry about a hydro weapon yet (Mouse Hunt Veterans gasping for air, the rest loading their guns to shoot me). Seriously, don’t worry about it. Let’s look at the traps you have, minus any limited edition traps that may have been released during your time playing this game (which of course are never mentioned in the FAQ anyway).
- Ambush
- Forcefield/Deathbot/SAMT (your #1 physical weapon, to say the least)
- Sinister (if you bought it)
- All other garbage weak traps for novices
If you have the gold to spare, you CAN buy a hydro weapon. Again, IF YOU HAVE THE GOLD TO SPARE. You don’t need it yet.
Now, what base to use? You’ve been using a steady diet of Dehy and Explosive base up to this point. There is a base on the ship, the Aqua base, which is a very nice base that increases your luck by 8, which makes it the luckiest base available for purchase in the game and the base you're going to be using an awful lot from here on out.

Go ahead and buy the Aqua base and use it here. “Luck” becomes a key figure in the isles, and it starts now. If you don’t want to spend the money on the Aqua base, simply use your Dehydration or Explosive base. And of course by now, you’re always using Brie for “regular” places. You should have stopped using Swiss after the Grandmaster level.
So what are we doing here? What’s the goal? You need to catch three mice here that drop the three components of the Ocean Navigation Kit: Bottled Mouse, Shipwreck Mouse, and Captain Mouse. They drop the Compass, Sextant, and Telescope. When you catch these mice and get the loot drops, essentially, your time on the ship is done. Craft those three items together and now you have access to the Tribal Isles!
Note: The sections below are in Rodentia, but you won't be hunting here for awhile. Make a mental note of these places; we'll visit them soon enough.
Ah! It’s a fantasy play-land of changing weather! In other
words, it’s the Midwestern United States!
You have to catch a dragon mouse to get to the Seasonal
Garden, and you have to have the rank of Lord/Lady to go here. Inside the
dragon’s chest is Zugswang’s scarf, which is essentially the map piece to the
garden. You’ll also have a Magic Feather in the chest, which is used to
craft…drum roll……….
Formula: Zugzwang's First Move
Cost (Each)
Chess Pieces
Magic Feather
Zugzwang's First Move Blueprints
You have to buy Zugzwang’s last move and smash it with your
hunter’s hammer. You then need to buy the blue prints in the general store in
the garden, craft all three items together and viola! ZFM!
This trap is a great tactical trap that can be used in most
places with great success. It isn’t that much better than the HVMT, but it IS
better regardless, and will pay for itself after a few weeks of hunting in
Nerg. The only in-game tactical traps (non-LE) that outclass it are the
Dimensional Chest and the Sphinx Wrath (more on those later).
So, what is our goal here, you ask? Notice that the camp
page is slightly different now; there is a HUD (Heads Up Display) that shows
your Tower Amplifier. Essentially, when you obtain access to Zugzwang’s Tower,
your Amplifier will decrease for every mouse you catch. Your amp affects the
power and luck of your trap setup.
We’ll get to all this later; for now, let’s focus on the
Seasonal Garden. Take note of what season is on the HUD. Spring, Summer, Fall,
or Winter.
Hunt with your best PHYSICAL trap.
Hunt with your best TACTICAL trap.
Fall: Hunt
with your best SHADOW trap.
Hunt with your best HYDRO trap.
The base you use is entirely up to you; most people want to maximize their attraction here, but that might leave you missing more mice because the mice here are powerful. Honestly, you want a good mix of power, attraction and luck. Yuck, what base has all of that?!?
The Molten Shrapnel does, you silly monkey!
Formula: Molten Shrapnel Base
Cost (Each)
Dragon Ember
Tiny Platinum Bar
Scrap Metal
200 scrap metal?!? Holy cow! That's right, 200. Have it? Yes? SUH-WEEEEET. No? Well, head to the Catacombs, and I'll see you later. Or, just hunt with something else.
The MSB has a point requirement of 18,000,000, so you should
more than have enough points to craft it. It has a base power of 300, power
bonus of 12%, attraction bonus of 5%, and 8 luck. Great base!
In each season there are “boss mice” that drop key shards to
Zugzwang’s Tower. You need to catch these mice. There is nothing special you
can do to attract them more than other mice, so just keep hunting.
As you hunt, you’ll notice your amplifier increase for every
catch, but it will decrease for every FTA (Failed to Attract). At this point,
you’re just starting out and you don’t need to worry at all about the
amplifier. Just keep catching mice, pay attention to the changing seasons and
use the trap types I have outlined above.
You’ve caught the four boss mice (Vinetail, Summer Mage,
Harvester, and Winter Mage), obtained the keys, and your amplifier is fully
charged (150%). Are you ready for Zugzwang’s Tower? NO, YOU’RE NOT. PLEASE STOP
Eh, you say? You need to understand the dynamics of the
tower, and we need to do some prep work first.
The Tower is a giant chess game. Yes, chess. And in a game
of chess, there are two sides, traditionally white vs. black. In Mousehunt,
it’s Mystic vs. Technic. Whatever, there are two sides. Also, whenever you move
into the Tower, your amplifier will start decreasing for every mouse you catch,
or every FTA you get. It will reset to ZERO if you leave the tower FOR ANY
REASON. For that reason alone, we need to get all our prep work done now,
before we move into the tower.
You don’t technically need a new trap here, but you’ll be
sorry if you don’t get it. I’ll go over the game mechanics of the Tower later,
but suffice to say, you need Pawn Pinchers, and both of them. They are very
weak tactical traps, but they will do you just fine to catch pawns. They are
located in the Trapsmith in the Seasonal Garden.
Next, check your cheese stocks, specifically, gouda and SB+.
I wouldn’t go into the Tower with less than 200 of whatever cheese I’m using.
Whatever one you are going to use, make sure you have enough.
Look at your charms. Do you have any attraction charms? I’d
get some (in the Mountain) if I were you, at least the same amount as you have
Final review: Buy one of the pawn pinchers (or both if you have the gold), have enough cheese to hunt, get some attraction charms, and make sure your amp is fully charged. Here we go…
So, you’re here. Now what? You need to catch, in order, for one side:
8 pawns
2 knights
2 bishops
2 rooks
1 queen
1 king
In the tower, forget everything you know. Or not. HAHA!! Seriously though, equip either the mystic or the technic pawn pinchers. Now, what base and cheese? Here are your choices:
- High attraction base paired with gouda and an attraction charm
- High power base paired with SB+ and, well, you don’t need any charms with this setup.
The pawn pinchers of each side will attract that side more frequently than the other. It’s not 100%, but it’s high. Your goal: catch 8 pawns of one of the sides. Got that? Good.
All right, you’ve hunted for a few hours, you’ve got your 8 pawns of whatever side you chose, and you’ve noticed your amp has decreased by 1% for every pawn caught. Now, you need to catch your knights. This is where you need to switch your trap to ZFM. Base? If using Gouda, use your Wooden with Target to maximize your attraction. If using SB+, use the regular WOODEN base. Seriously.
You need two knights. They aren’t as easy, and you’ll notice that you’ll start catching pieces from the OTHER side. Just keep plugging away. Knights drop your amp by 3%.
Once you have the knights, keep the same setup and go for bishops, who also drop your amp by 3% when you catch them. Keep moving, keep hunting.
Next are the rooks. SAME STORY as before, except rooks drop your amp by 5%...getting more serious now.
Once you have the rooks, and it may take some time to get them; they’re not easy…it’s time to hunt the Queen. If you’re lucky, your amp will still be around 90-100%. If you’re UNLUCKY, like my wife her first run, your amp will be around 45%. You use the same setup as before on the Queen, nothing different. Once you catch her, however…
…change your setup! The King is extremely weak. Look in your inventory. Chance are, you haven’t listened to me 100% so you probably have some relatively weak tactical trap. If you’ve listened to me 100%, your weakest tactical trap is probably your Ambush. Ideally, you want to use the Venus Mouse Trap here (if you’re lucky enough to have the Gingerbread house, use that!). You want to use a weak tactical trap here because you don’t want to catch anymore mice save for the king; other mice will come to your trap, they’ll pillage you, but as long as you attract them BUT don’t CATCH them, your amp will not move and you’ll have a better chance of getting the king.
Once you have the king, you are booted to the Seasonal Garden, your amp reset to 0%. Wow, that was fun, now wasn’t it? Well, get ready to do it all over again. Eh, you say? Yes, you need to do it again, now on the other side. You need both kings to progress in the game. If you want to craft the Spellbook Base, the best base in the game, you need THREE of EACH king. Yikes!
So, what else do these kings drop, you ask?
Hunting Research
Mystic Crystal
Mystic Curd
Torn Mystic Page
Droid Jetpack
Satchel of Gold
Technic Mould
Torn Technic Page
Those Mystic/Technic pages are the loot drops you need for the Spellbook base. The Mystic Curds and Technic Moulds are used to make Checkmate Cheese for capturing the Chess Master. So, what are the crystal and jetpack? Well, I’m glad you asked!
Formula: Blackstone Pass Trap
Cost (Each)
Blackstone Pass Trap Blueprints
Mystic Crystal
Formula: Obvious Ambush Trap
Cost (Each)
Droid Jetpack
Droid Parts
Obvious Ambush Trap Blueprints
These two traps are nearly identical in nature, and both are
slightly less powerful than ZFM. So, what’s the catch? Blackstone Pass Trap has
an increased effectiveness against Mystic Mice/decreased effectiveness against
Technic Mice. Obvious Ambush is the opposite. Since you have to make multiple
runs to make the spellbook, the developers thought they’d give you a leg up on
future runs. Please note that the Crystal and Jetpack are not automatic drops
from the king. Plenty of people obtained all the loot for the Spellbook without
ever having built these two traps. Just sayin’.
So what’s so special about the Spellbook base anyway?
Formula: Spellbook
Cost (Each)
Master Bindings
Spellbook Base Blueprints
Torn Mystic Page
Torn Technic Page
Tiny Platinum Bar
As you can see, it has the highest power of any base in the
game, not to mention a mouse-crippling 14% power bonus. It even has a little
attraction and good amount of luck. Essentially, it is a tremendous base.
You may notice there is one ingredient that is mentioned in the formula that I haven’t mentioned yet: the Master Bindings. This is dropped by the Chess Master. Chess Masters don’t appear in the Tower until you catch a king. “But Matt, it’s me, silly little monkey over here! When you catch a king, you’re kicked out!!”
That’s right silly little monkey, so we need a way to stay
in there! That ticket is using Checkmate cheese and arming it AFTER you catch
your queen. You need to catch the king using Checkmate cheese and you’ll stay
in the tower, able to catch the Chessmaster. Use the trap setup you used for
the QUEEN when going after the Chessmaster.
Checkmate (3 pieces)
Mystic Curd
Technic Cheese Mould
Ionized Salt
Checkmate (9 pieces)
Mystic Curd
Technic Cheese Mould
Magic Essence
Ionized Salt
Good luck!
During your hunts
in the Tower, you may have looted the key to the crystal library. You may have
been perplexed about my lack of mentioning that! Well, two things: this FAQ is
written over the course (and updated) of months, so sometimes I have to revise
when and what I say based on the game changing!
The Crystal
Library is a very interesting place to hunt. Similar to the Cove, it offers
very high point values for mice and moderate-to-decent gold, but you’re not
here to make a profit: you’re here to get the Reaper's Perch shadow trap.
But the process
to get there is daunting and time consuming, so strap on your helmet and follow
Library Assignments
The first thing
you’ll notice is a new HUD that has a button you can click on that will give
you a library assignment. As you do assignments, you accumulate points and can
ultimately do harder tasks. The tasks are fairly self-contained: the first one
is to simply catch some mice in the library.
“Matt!! It’s
silly monkey again! What trap setup should I use?”
Nevermind that
you’ve been playing this game for a long time now and you’re still asking for
trap setup advice, but here goes: you want to use your best physical trap setup
that gives you the most POWER (not luck). So whatever that is, use it. If it’s
the ERB/Spellbook, use it. If it’s the RhinoBot/MSB, use it.
The other
assignments have various, random tasks that involve catching certain mice in
certain areas, sometimes with specific traps, trap types, a base, whatever;
it’s random.
One thing to
remember is that when you get a task, if you don’t like it, you can smash the
task with your hunter’s hammer and get another one (in an hour though). Outside
the first assignment (and the last one), all of them are random assignments,
and you might find some that are more suited for your own liking than others. I
personally avoided the Zugzwang’s Research assignments and pretty much focused
on the Furoma assignments because I had so much Maki and Master cheeses left
over. But ultimately you have to make the choice that fits you best.
Once you obtain
900 library points, you can start the final research assignment, Zurreal’s
Research. The task is as follows:
- Collect 1 Desert Travel Almanac from Centaur Mice
Collect 1 Encyclopedia Gnawnia from Master Burglar Mice in the Town of Gnawnia
Collect 6 Luscious Lumbers in the Training Grounds (from Kung Fu, Monk, and Samurai mouse)
Collect 1 Mesh Netting in S.S. Huntington II (from Leviathan and Squeaken mouse)
Collect 3 Ectoplasmic Essence from Ghost Mice in the Mousoleum
Collect 3 Warp Nails from Realm Rippers
Collect 3 Runestones from Stonework Warrior Mice
Collect 1 Draconic Book from Whelpling Mice
Collect 1 Lich Jewel in the Balack's Cove (from Balack the Banished, Derr Lich, Elub Lich and Nerg Lich mouse)
Craft 1 Zurreal's Folly
As you can see, the task is fairly large and encompasses many different areas. You don’t have to do these in order, with the exception of crafting Zurreal’s Folly, which can only be done after the other 9 are completed (obviously).
Catching Zurreal the Eternal
This sounds hard; in fact, the process to get here was time-consuming, but catching this guy is not hard. One of the items you receive from completing the last Library Research assignment is a Scholar Charm. After crafting Zurreal's Folly, head back to the Crystal Library, arm it with your most powerful base, gouda cheese, and the scholar charm.
The scholar charm is only consumed when you CATCH Zurreal. You'll catch him eventually, and he'll give you the Reaper's Perch Blueprints, which allows you to craft a very awesome
Shadow Trap!
Formula: Reaper's Perch
Cost (Each)
Droid Parts
Reaper's Perch Blueprints
Metamorphic Rock
Crafting this trap is up to you; it's not a requirement, at least, not yet. But if you followed my advice and only purchased the Gorgon way back in the Tribal Isles, you'll probably want to craft this trap at some point. As of this writing, I have the Blueprints but I've yet to craft it, for I don't have a reason to yet. :)
That wraps up Rodentia!