And you thought the Moz was a bad place to hunt when you first got there! Silly little monkey!
Furoma as a whole is a terrible place to hunt for Grandmasters. The immediate reward for hunting here just sucks, but once you have the proper tools, this area is a great place to make a lot of gold. Ultimately, you're hunting here to catch the Master of the Dojo and his master, the Sensei. You’re a LONG ways away from that.

With this mixture, it may be tempting to just use a physical trap like the FF. You could do this, but your catch rate will be about 5% lower, and the new mice here like the Monk, Kung Fu, and Archer are all listed as “Very Difficult” using a tactical trap, and are ranked “Overpowering” with a physical trap. So whip out the Mutated Venus Mouse Trap (or Gingerbread House if you went that route when reading my guide on tactical traps) and go to town! As for what cheese to use? It is really up to you. Even though you're a GM, gold is still hard to come by. You may want to keep using Swiss. Many people swear by brie though, and that's what I would recommend.

So, you're asking, “what is my goal here?” Why, you silly monkey, to catch mice of course! Really though, you need to get the Ticket to the Bazaar (so you can begin your quest to craft the Ambush). You obtain this from an Archer, Assassin, or Kung Fu mouse. You're used to items like this dropping the first time you catch something. That won't be the case here. You will likely spend a day or so here until you finally get the ticket.
You’ll also notice there is a General Store here. You will want to buy 3 pieces of Rice Paper, 30 pieces of Splintered Wood (if you don't have any already that is), 24 pieces of Salmon and 24 pieces of Nori. It is used in creating susheese later, which is important. Just do it; I’ll explain later.
You can also catch a monk mouse that will drop more of Plankrun’s Journal, but that is just a “nice thing to have” and not really important. Once you get the ticket to the bazaar, it’s time to move on, again. The Bazaar is back in the Burroughs, so head back to that section in the event you didn't already read about it, and I'll catch up with you in the Dojo! (Be sure to buy the materials listed below in the Bazaar when you get your map repaired!)
- Use a Tactical Trap, always!
- Catch student mice in Dojo
- Craft special master-cheeses
- Catch masters of specific disciplines using special cheese (in Meditation Room)
- Use master shards to create rumble cheese
- Use rumble cheese to catch Master of Dojo in Pinnacle Chamber.
- Use Onyx stones that Mojo’s drop to create Onyx Marbled Gorgonzola Cheese
- Use OMG cheese to attract and catch Sensei.
Seriously, this will take you a little while to complete. You may get mad. You probably will get frustrated. Some of you might email me asking "what is wrong with my setup!?!?" Nothing is wrong with it, this place is just tough the first time through. But you have to stick with it.

Your best combination is to use the MVMT with the dehydration base. You could use explosive base, but keep in mind you’ll get a lot of stale cheese with the explosive base (24 vs. 6 on average). While stale cheese isn't necessarily bad, keep in mind that the extra luck from the dehydration base will still get you better results than the power of the explosive base at this point.
There are three types of disciplines of various student mice in the Dojo: Claw, Belt, and Fang. When you catch a student, you will get their token. You need 3 tokens in order to craft the special cheese needed to catch their respective masters in the Meditation Room.
Susheese (used to catch Claw Master)
- 3 Claw tokens
- 3 Curds
- 1 Salmon
- 1 Nori
Combat (used to catch Fang Master)
- 3 Fang tokens
- 5 Curds
- 1 Splintered Wood
- 1 Paint-Brand Paint
Glutter (used to catch Belt Master)
- 3 Belt tokens
- 7 Curds
- 1 Invisi-Glu
- 1 Cheese Fluffy
The obvious question then is, "how much cheese do I need before I move on?" Again, up to you, but it also depends on your style of play. If you're constantly sounding the horn and are very active, you can get by with crafting three pieces at a time, moving to the MR, hunt for three times, move back and catch more students, etc. If you're more passive and don't spend your life on Mousehunt, you'll probably want to save up at least 24 pieces of each master cheese before moving to the MR. That is just my recommendation. You are free to do as you please, as I'm just guiding you on how to accomplish your task.
Meditation Room
Catching the Masters in the Meditation Room is not easy at this point of the game, but you have to do it. With your best setup, you're probably only going to catch a master one time in three hunts, if that.

Once you have at least one shard of each discipline, you can craft the Ambush once you obtain the blueprints, which you may or may not have at this point, but here's what you need to do!
Additional shards are also necessary to craft Rumble Cheese, which is used to attract the Master of the Dojo in the Pinnacle Chamber. More on that in the next section.
Use up all your master level cheeses, and take stock of your shard supplies. How many of EACH do you have? You need 1 piece from each discipline to make 3 pieces of Rumble Cheese (used to catch the Mojo in the section below). So do the math: if you have 3 from each kind, you can make 9 pieces of Rumble.
Craft the Ambush!
If you are at 960,000 points, you are ready to craft the Ambush. Well, almost ready.
- 1 Ambush Blueprint
- 1 Master's Seal
- 3 Rice Paper
- 5 Splintered Wood
So what about these Ambush Blueprints, you say? There are a few things you can do to get these: you may have already caught an Assassin mouse in the training grounds who had them, but maybe not. The easiest way to get this is to catch a Hapless Mouse in the Pinnacle Chamber.
- 8 Droid Parts
“But Matt, it's me, silly Monkey again! How do I do that with the Master of the Dojo there?”
It's easier than you think. The MOJO will not be attracted with regular cheese, but of course, Hapless mice do. Arm your tactical trap with either swiss or brie cheese and just wait for a Hapless mouse to drop the blueprints. It may take a few times but it shouldn't take very long. This is far easier and much more manageable than waiting for the random Assassin mouse to come knocking (and they are tough to catch anyway).
How do you craft the Master's Seal? Easy.
- 1 Master Claw Shard
- 1 Master Fang Shard
- 1 Master Belt Shard
Additional shards are also necessary to craft Rumble Cheese, which is used to attract the Master of the Dojo in the Pinnacle Chamber. More on that in the next section.
Use up all your master level cheeses, and take stock of your shard supplies. How many of EACH do you have? You need 1 piece from each discipline to make 3 pieces of Rumble Cheese (used to catch the Mojo in the section below). So do the math: if you have 3 from each kind, you can make 9 pieces of Rumble.
You need 1 unit of ionized salt and 20 units of curds (to go along with the shards) to make Rumble Cheese. If you don't have those, head to the Bazaar in the Burroughs, buy enough for what you need, and I'll meet you in the Pinnacle Chamber.
Ready? Here we go!

- Used in crafting the Acronym, a very powerful Arcane Trap
- Used in crafting Unstable Curds, which can be "opened" and turned into random cheeses
- Used in crafting the Onyx Mallet Trap
- Used in crafting Onyx Marble Gorgonzola Cheese, which attracts the Dojo Sensei in the Pinnacle Chamber
You might be tempted to go after the Dojo Sensei right now, especially if you catch your fair share of Mojo's. But the Sensei is very difficult, and I am recommending you do not try to catch him until later in the game when you have a better tactical trap, like the Horrific Venus Mouse Trap or Zugzwang's First Move.
When you do come back here and try to catch him, you should max out your power and cross your fingers. He is very tough. He drops the blueprints for the Onyx Mallet Trap, so if you're wanting to build that, you have to catch the Sojo first.
That's it for Furoma! I hope you enjoyed your stay! Lots of ways to go from here, but considering you SHOULD now be ranked at Legendary, it's time to get your Moz map repaired and headed to the Catacombs in Bristle Woods. See you there!