- Tacky Glue Trap (High Tension Spring Trap)
- Mouse Mary O’Nette (500 lb. Spiked Crusher)
- Trebuchet (Rocketine)
- Swiss Army Mouse Trap (Trebuchet)
- NVMRC Forcefield (Mouse Deathbot)
There are three traps that bear mentioning that are Limited Edition traps (sort of) that are considered “pre-Tribal Isles” traps.
1,000 power, 5% power bonus, 2% attraction bonus, 8 luck, Fresh cheese effect
The Shrink Ray is only available through donating to the game or through Kings Credits within the game. It is meant as a bonus for early hunters to have an easier time (as if they didn’t have an easier time than I did back in the day!). If you’re new to the game and you don’t have the Swiss Army trap, you might consider getting this, but it’s a complete novelty and is outclassed very quickly.
A very old LE trap, it has a lot of luck but not much else. Anyone who still plays that was around when this was released undoubtedly upgraded it years ago to the Rainbow Rockin’ Horse mentioned below. If not, well, you’re not using this trap.
70 power, 0% power bonus, 30% attraction bonus, 20 luck, Stale cheese effect
A 2012 Ronza trap, this trap has some uses when you really think about it (Level 1 of the King’s Gauntlet being the only one I can think of) but honestly, it’s more of a wink to the MH community who long asked (and joked) about someday having a Chrome Glue Trap. Now we have one, and it is of course useless. But it looks cool!
Hunting in Derr - Regular Traps
As I mentioned in the FAQ, you have to define a strategy before you go to Derr on what trap you will use; the Digby Drillbot/Rhinobot or the Onyx Mallet trap. This of course is considering that you do NOT have any limited edition physical traps. With the addition of the Sandtail Desert and the Fiery Warpath in 2011, the Rhinobot now has an upgrade, the Enraged Rhinobot, and bears mentioning that the Rhino is no longer a dead-end trap.
3,200 power, 18% power bonus, 0% attraction bonus, 5 luck, No cheese effect
I never cared much for the Digby Drillbot; could be that it was always too expensive when I needed it, and by the time I had access to LE traps, this one was no longer even an option to hunt with.
The Drillbot is a power trap with an impressive 18% power bonus, but offers very little luck to be very useful and no attraction bonus to speak of. The obvious benefit, however, is that this trap upgrades to the Rhinobot. So if you plan on building the Rhinobot, you HAVE to buy this sucker.
3,800 power, 12% power bonus, 0% attraction bonus, 6 luck, Stale cheese effect
The Onyx Mallet is better than the Digby Drillbot, but it’s not much better. It’s also not easy to obtain (refer to FAQ). Some players will undoubtedly rather spend those onyx stones crafting unstable curds, trying to get really expensive cheese. Up to you.
In the end, this trap is very cool to look at, but ultimately is less useful than it was before the Sandtail Desert was released. If you happen to have all the ingredients, feel free to make it.
4,950 power, 0% power bonus, 0% attraction bonus, 8 luck, Very Stale cheese effect
This one has a lot of base power. The Rhinobot dwarfs the power of every other physical trap in Mousehunt up until the point that you can craft it. While the Rhinobot is the best pre-lord regular physical trap, it will never outperform any Limited Edition physical trap because of its very low luck rating. Ultimately, you should make and use this trap if you don’t have access to LE traps, if for no other reason than to craft the next trap…
5,900 power, 10% power bonus, 0% attraction bonus, 20 luck, Insanely Stale cheese effect
The Enraged Rhinobot will outperform many of the Limited Edition physical traps, let alone all the regular ones that came before it. This trap is almost a necessity to hunt in the Sandtail Desert, and will absolutely make your life easier in Derr as well. If you have a very powerful limited edition physical trap, you might be able to skip this one, but as mice become more powerful, a higher power rating is more important than Luck.
Beyond Derr – Physical Traps for the Fiery Warpath
6,800 power, 17% power bonus, 10% attraction bonus, 25 luck, No Effect cheese effect
The Sandtail Sentinel is a tremendous trap, outclassing nearly every other trap (including limited edition traps) in the game. The catch? It’s only available to players with 85,000,000 points; it costs 3,000,000+ gold and requires 2 Warpath Victories on the Fiery Warpath. Yikes! Plus, it isn’t even the best in the game, a title reserved for the trap right below it, but considering the likelihood of you actually being in a position to get THAT trap, this trap is a well-deserved “consolation” prize, and effectively puts every other physical trap to shame. It has everything: power, power bonus, attraction, and luck.
If you can’t get the next trap, you’ll do just fine with this. It is a monster and a whale.
8,000 power, 20% power bonus, 5% attraction bonus, 27 luck, No Effect cheese effect
Holy Cow.
What have the Devs done? This trap is insane. Beyond insane. So insane, in fact, that it makes the Big 3 in Derr look like Dwarf Mice. What am I supposed to say? It has more power and luck than any other physical trap in the game (save for the one below), LE traps included. So, what will this little sucker set you back? 100 million points is the requirement. You also need 3 Warpath Victories, but in reality, you’ll need more. You’ll need 2.2 million gold minimum to craft it (parts you need to buy). And, you need 2 Sandblasted Metal loot pieces. How do you get those? They are loot from the Warmonger. Good luck getting THOSE! Or, you can buy them on the market place. People are selling them for around 14 million EACH.

Chrome MonstroBot
8,500 power, 21% power bonus, 10% attraction bonus, 30 luck, No Effect cheese effect
For an additional 12.5 million gold, you can upgrade your SMB to this monstrosity. You're wondering why it's listed here and not in LE? Well, the devs stated this isn't an LE trap, that's why. This trap is better than the SMB without a doubt. 12.5 million better? That remains to be seen. Still, what a trap.
Mid Range Limited Edition Physical Traps
1,250 power, 2% power bonus, 10% attraction bonus, 25 luck, No (Über Fresh) cheese effect
These traps are more novelties than anything else. The power makes them relatively useless for Derr Dunes, and though they are good to use in the earlier stages of the game, the hunters who have them undoubtedly have much more powerful traps at this point, relegating these traps to the closet, you know, where your real Rockin’ Horse resides anyway.
2,400 power, 30% power bonus, 20% attraction bonus, 14 luck, Very Stale cheese effect
This trap was one of the traps you could get during MH’s third birthday event. You had to hunt for loot and ultimately build (and buy) this trap. The bonuses are very impressive: 30% power bonus is the highest of any trap, but you all know how percentages work: if the base power is low (and this one is, exactly the same as the Deathbot), the percentage only helps you so much, and you’re not getting a lot of base power from your bases either. The attraction is great, but with just above average luck, this trap is definitely a novelty, and nothing that really warrants use.
2,500 power, 35% power bonus, 0% attraction bonus, 10 luck, Stale cheese effect
Another reward trap during Mousehunt’s fourth birthday event, this trap has a ridiculously high power bonus, but, again, like the Birthday Candle Kaboom, the power bonus is only as good as the base power, which at 2500, it still will struggle to hold a candle in Derr. Not only that, but only 10 luck makes this trap a very weird entry into the world of physical traps. A nice novelty, but basically useless.
2,350 power, 12% power bonus, 10% attraction bonus, 16 luck, No cheese effect
Virtually the same as the Force Field trap, the Snow Globe was a collectible in most hunters’ eyes. It was released when several other LE physical traps were making their appearance, so there was never really a reason to buy this trap.
2,300 power, 20% power bonus, 5% attraction bonus, 18 luck, No cheese effect
Released during Ronza’s visit in early 2011, this trap is actually not too bad. It won’t hold a candle to the Chrome Drillbot, but it can compete with the Rhinobot on many levels. The extra two luck of the tube allows it compete with the Rhinobot pretty effectively, and stone collecting and amp charging in the Seasonal Garden were a little easier with this than the Rhinobot. However, up against the Big 3 Derr mice, the Rhinobot is still the better option.
It should be noted that this trap was much more popular on the now-defunct Hi5 Mousehunt site than Facebook due to the lack of high-powered LE traps initially.

Ultra MegaMouser Mechabot Trap

This trap was available only during the Great Winter Hunt 2012. It was used to catch Greedy Al in the MegaBuy Mart. Upon catching Al, the trap "unwrapped" and provided an additional 2,050 power, 10% power bonus, 20 luck, 5% attraction bonus, and Extremely Fresh cheese effect, for a total of 3,150 power, 15% power bonus, 25 luck, 15% attraction bonus, and Extremely Fresh cheese effect.
This bonus was available in all locations, not just the MegaBuy Mart, but was only effective during the Great Winter Hunt 2012; after the event ended, the trap reverted to the stats of the Wrapped Gift Trap, which you'll notice is worse than the Swiss Army Mouse Trap. Yikes.

Ancient Gauntlet Trap
1,050 power, 4% power bonus, 20% attraction bonus, 4 luck, Extreme Fresh cheese effect
Occasionally available as a reward for completing a treasure map, the baseline stats for this trap are nothing to write home about. However, it has a special feature that makes it incredibly powerful: when used on the first level of the King's Gauntlet, mice will drop two tier 2 potions instead of one. Considering how weak the mice in this area are, this trap will catch them at 100% anyway, making it invaluable when you do a Gauntlet run.
Isle Idol Trap
Isle Idol Trap
5,050 power, 0% power bonus, 0% attraction bonus, 7 luck, Stale cheese effect
A 2013 Ronza trap, the stats don't leave much to be desired considering what the ERB can do, but it has a bonus effect of providing double delicious stone drops in Derr Dunes. It doesn't double the seed drops from the Big 3, but it will definitely help you progress faster through Derr. It is a Physical trap.

2,250 power, 5% power bonus, 15% attraction bonus, 8 luck, No cheese effect
The result of collecting spare parts during MouseHunt's fifth birthday event, this was the trap necessary to defeat the MouseForce Five enemy bot. Only usable honestly for that event, the stats are mundane at best, and it should not be used in normal hunting situations.

Wrapped Gift Trap
1,100 power, 5% power bonus, 10% attraction bonus, 5 luck, No cheese effect
This trap was available only during the Great Winter Hunt 2012. It was used to catch Greedy Al in the MegaBuy Mart. Upon catching Al, the trap "unwrapped" and provided an additional 2,050 power, 10% power bonus, 20 luck, 5% attraction bonus, and Extremely Fresh cheese effect, for a total of 3,150 power, 15% power bonus, 25 luck, 15% attraction bonus, and Extremely Fresh cheese effect.
This bonus was available in all locations, not just the MegaBuy Mart, but was only effective during the Great Winter Hunt 2012; after the event ended, the trap reverted to the stats of the Wrapped Gift Trap, which you'll notice is worse than the Swiss Army Mouse Trap. Yikes.
Elite "LE" Physical Traps
3,000 power, 15% power bonus, 5% attraction bonus, 24 luck, Very Fresh cheese effect
The Christmas Cracker still remains one of my favorite traps in all of Mousehunt. Perhaps it was because it was free (yes, completely free!), or perhaps it is the fact that it doesn’t have a single negative attribute. Great power, great bonuses, great luck, great cheese effect. While it’s not coming back and while there are better options to use (even in-game traps), I still occasionally break this sucker out and hunt in a low level area just to use it again.
2,850 power, 15% power bonus, 15% attraction bonus, 25 luck, Stale cheese effect
This trap nearly broke Mousehunt. Released on Mousehunt’s first birthday, the Partybot outclassed every other trap in the game. This was before hunters (and maybe even the devs) understood the impact of luck on hunting, and as a result, hunters were using this trap to catch Furoma mice (back when you didn't dare go after other classes of mice with a different class of trap!) and Moz mice with decent success.
The Partybot is also partially to blame for wrecking the MH economy too. For only 15,000 gold, hunters got THIS trap. A similarly scaled trap today would cost hunters at least 600,000 gold. And all the veteran hunters shout with triumph.
3,900 power, 20% power bonus, 0% attraction bonus, 26 luck, Insanely Stale cheese effect
A tremendous trap that was the best physical trap to use for most people for over a year, the Chrome Drillbot has sadly been outmatched and overshadowed by the Sandtail Sentinel and the Sandstorm Monstrobot. Heck, even the Enraged RhinoBot fares better against some really powerful mice than this trap does. Those who have this trap undoubtedly have at least one of these other traps now, making the Chrome Drillbot almost nothing but a novelty anymore. But boy oh boy, it sure had its day in the sun as a Derr smasher.
2,800 power, 20% power bonus, 20% attraction bonus, 30 luck, Very Stale cheese effect
Just tremendous stats all around, the Deathbot (Chrome Edition) is still very much used by veteran hunters, though most that have it are so rich in MH that they also have the SMB. Many hunters don’t even know about this trap, but it reigned supreme for years until the more powerful mice made their appearance.
4,500 power, 10% power bonus, 5% attraction bonus, 6 luck, Stale cheese effect
A 2012 Ronza trap (for a mere 2.1 million gold), I honestly have not even tried this trap to see how it actually operates. The stats above are the "base" stats when used anywhere except the Fiery Warpath. As you can see, the stats make it marginally better than the Digby Drillbot but not much past that. So why is it listed in this section?
When you initially begin a stage (1 through 3, not 4 though), the Thrasher's power and luck is increased to 9000 and 30 respectively, making it insanely effective against the initial waves of the Marching Flame. That being said, it loses power rapidly and eventually, at some point, it will flame out and go back to its regular stats.
6,000 power, 10% power bonus, 0% attraction bonus, 27 luck, Ultimately Stale cheese effect
The Chrome RhinoBot is a serious trap that outclasses everything in the game except for the SMB and the Sandail Sentinel. It is very similar to the SS, to the point where some hunters who had the SS contemplated not buying this trap. With the worst cheese effect in the game and 0% attraction bonus, this bad boy is ideally suited to be a Super Brie+ trap, as FTAs will undoubtedly cause your cheese to stale nearly 100% of the time.
All that said, those players with this trap have an incredible trap at their disposal. You'd be better off with the SS though due to its better power and bonuses, especially considering the tougher mice in the later stages of the game are more susceptible to power than luck.