The Mousehunt Developers, about two weeks ago, released a new area called Claw Shot City. It is a completely new area with a completely new power type which is called "Law."
While there has been some angst among seasoned hunters about the new area, I for one love the new area, because it begins to address a problem that Mousehunt began to have after the release of the Fiery Warpath: Power Creep. Essentially, the more high power mice you create, you have to create more high power traps to catch them. And it keeps going and going and going. The problem is, how far is too far? One of the beauty of Mousehunt is that while there is a definite linear path to follow, you don't have to take this path necessarily. That being said, when you obtain the FW traps, you need little else for the most part. It cheapens the game, and it would cheapen new areas that were physical or tactical or hydro areas.

I will add a section to the FAQ on this part of the game once more portions of it are released. As of right now, it is very apparent that there is still more to come.