It's December on the Gnawnian calendar, meaning the Great Winter Hunt is just around the corner! This year the King is looking to spread festive cheer a little early by handing out chocolate advent calendars to each and every hunter!
Each day in December leading up to the 24th, you'll be able to open a door on your Gnawnian Advent Calendar to reveal a tasty treat inside. As a bonus, if you open the door on the exact day it unlocks, the King will give you a little something extra!
Viewing your Gnawnian Advent Calendar
The advent calendar can be accessed in two ways. A small "advent calendar" link has been added to the navigation bar near the very top of the game. Additionally, if you have an unopened door on your calendar, a banner will appear above your journal reminding you to claim your tasty treat!
Remember: Opening the door on the exact date grants a bonus item from the King! The bonus item will vary from day to day, so check back often!

(Link at the top of the game is always there.)

(Banner above journal appears when you have an unopened door.)

(Tasty Advent Chocolate. Not to scale.)
When does the day reset?
Midnight in Gnawnia just so happens to be the same as what hunter's may call "UTC" (Coordinated Universal Time). This is the same time daily gifting counts reset.