Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Welcome to The Total Mousehunt FAQ!


Sure, I've been here for a week already, and I have a welcome blog entry to the left (the one on the bottom), but I've recently had my FAQ added to the Mousehunt Timers Spreadsheet, so I figured some of you might be coming here and saying "Hey, where are all the pages?!?!?"

Your friendly MH Tour Guide!

Look up! There is a black bar at the top of the screen with the option to change how the blog entries are viewed (default is "Sidebar" which is the word you see). Right next to it is a drop down for "Pages." Mouse-over the Pages menu and...WHOA! There's everything, you say!

Each section of the FAQ/walkthrough is broken down by region: Gnawnia, Whisker Woods, Tribal Isles, etc, so if you're looking for answers on a particular region, just jump straight to that section.

Please note that the FAQ is written to hunters who are more than likely hunting in this area for the first time. I rarely ever make mention of Limited Edition traps and bases in the Walkthrough itself (and when I do, it's only a passing comment), because I know hunters who really need the help don't have those traps, and I know how frustrating it is to seek help and the only thing you hear a veteran player say is "Just use the Partybot and Polar Base." You won't find that kind of analysis here.

I plan on making 2-3 blog entries a week for Mousehunt, as well as expanding the Pages section to provide more analysis on in-game topics. Please give me your constructive feedback!



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